Powerstar Pawan Kalyan fans are yet again disappointed as the first look of his upcoming movie 'Gopala Gopala' was not revealed. Having failed to release the first look on Krishna Astami, there were reports that the first glimpses could be out for Vinayaka Chaturthi but there has been no sign from the makers. Again rumors are waving in the tinsel town that, the first look will be released on Pawan's birthday i.e, on September 2nd.
Gopala Gopala is official remake of Bollywood 'Oh My God!' and Venkatesh will be seen in another lead role. Pawan will reprise the role of Lord Sri Krishna in this film which is aimed for Sankranthi 2015 release.
Anyways let's hope the makers will release the first look atleast on Pawan's birthday and thrill the fans.
(AW: Vamshi)