Ever since Mahesh Babu and Nagarjuna, multi-starrer flick got shelved, many in the industry are quite eager to know what is in Mani Ratnam's mind. For the past few days, the Filmnagar folks are biting their ears that Mani Ratnam is planning a flick with Ram Charan and Allu Arjun as main leads.
According to the reports, Mani Ratnam was in Hyderabad and had a brief script discussions too. Luckily, Charan and Arjun said okay without listening to the script and so Mani Ratnam is penning script which suits both of them.
The story line is expected to be bother sentiment and if everything falls in its place, Allu Arvind could produce the movie on Geetha Arts banner.
(AW: Vamshi)