Powerstar Pawan Kalyan has a magnetic pull among the youth. Boys aside, even girls are quite crazy about the 'Khushi' actor, who has a distinct style of performing. Why then are his future heroines refusing his films?
It has come as a huge surprise that an established actor such as Pawan Kalyan need to think so much before agreeing to a heroine. Talk is that it is proving difficult to cast a fresh face opposite the charming Powerstar. Old combination or high remuneration, either reason can be attributed to why the current hot favorites are not signed on.
Both Shruti Hassan and Kaajal are out of the running for Gabbar Singh 2. Samantha is already a part of several big releases coming up this month, including Attarintiki Daredi with Pawan Kalyan. Bollywood's new flavor of the season Deepika Padukone was also considered briefly, but turns out nothing promising happened on that front.
Even Mahesh Babu had preferred to go with a new face, Kriti Sanon for 1 - Nenokkadine. Since Tollywood's lead actors are finding it hard to cook up a fresh pairing, the time is ripe for new talent to show their mettle. Meanwhile, Pawan Kalyan and his Gabbar Singh 2 director Sampath Nandi have some hard searching ahead of them.
(AW: Sruthi)