Brahmanandam, commonly referred to as Brahmi, is a star of Telugu comedy. However, he was earlier accused of promoting his own interests and not of the newcomers. He was said to have prevented any other comedian to make it big. Worse, he was even accused of bringing down newcomers and behaving arrogantly.
Now, he has finally found a supporter. Brahmi seems to have a friend who speaks well of him. Hit comedian in the making, Dhanraj spoke in favor of Brahmi saying Brahmanandam is not as bad as he is portrayed. The upcoming artist said that the top comedian calls him at least once a week to enquire about the other other comedians like Venu and Ramesh.
Dhanraj, expressing his feelings against those who say negative things about Brahmi, said that only people who cannot maintain a healthy relation with him say all those things.
(AW: Sruthi)