Actor Ram's forth coming film Ongole Gitta's shooting is currently underway. Recently the film crew was in Godavari districts to shoot some interesting scenes of the movie. And from there, the team straight away jumped to Ramoji Film City where some important scenes of climax will be shot. The sources said that the movie is most likely to be released sometime in December. The audio, on the other hand, is yet to be out.
Ongole Gitta has high expectations it's being directed by Bhaskar, who gave break to Genelia with Bommarillu. Kriti Karbhanda plays female lead in this movie. One has to wait and watch whether Kriti too shoots into limelight. Earlier, noted model Shubha Putela was chosen for female lead. In fact, some scenes were even shot on her at Guntur mirchi yard after which she fell sick and was eventually out of the project. Unfortunately, Shubha succumbed to this prolonged illness on October 22 this year.
(AW Phani)