Superstar Rajinikanth celebrates his birthday minus pomp and grandeur in the close confines of his palatial Poes Garden residence, in Chennai on 12-12-12. The star of the masses celebrates his 63rd birthday. For a brief moments he waved his hand to his fans who came to wish him from his balcony. However the rest of the time he was amidst his close friends.
On the other hand, there were celebrations across the south by his fans. His mentor and veteran filmmaker K Balachander, celebrated his student's birthday in a film shooting. Such was the mystic aura of the star who commanded respects from his peers too. His simplicity, honesty and dedication had made him a legendary humane.
'Idhu Rajini song' was dedicated to Superstar on his birthday, by none other than versatile choreographer cum director Raghava Lawrence, who himself is a die-hard fan. Two books, 'My Days with Baasha.....The Rajinikanth Phenomenon' and 'Rajinikanth....12.12.12, A Birthday Special' were launched. The former is authored by veteran southern filmmaker Suresh Krissna, and the latter is published by The Hindu.
Another festival that marked the day was the release of Sivaji 3D which is romping in success at the ticket counter. The effects are awesome and is a must to be seen film. (Wishesh AarKay)