Aishwarya Rai who once rocked the silver screen and even marked her presence in Hollywood reportedly turned down an offer to act opposite Brad Pitt in the 2004 blockbuster flick, Troy. She was asked to play the role of Briseis by the director Wolfgang Peterson. Since Briseis was described as breathtaking beauty, Wolfgang Peterson felt Ash would be a perfect choice for the role, but Aishwarya, who later went to Hollywood, however, rejected her initial offer.
What could be the reason? This is the question that has been doing rounds on internet for the past one day. Yes, what could be the real reason behind rejecting a life time offer that could undoubtedly shot her career graph to sky-high? May be Ash was not convinced that she would fit into the romantic episodes that takes place between Achilles and Briseis.
All in all, a million dollar offer for Ash was just turned down like that. But, then how would the chemistry between Brad Pitt and Ash is another interesting question that has become the talk of the town.