Gopichand’s upcoming film Mogudu recently started its regular shoot. The film is directed by Creative Director Krishna Vamsi. After her first film, Tapsee will be seen as a first Heroine in this film opposite Gopi Chand. This is definitely not an experimental film.
Mogudu will turn out to be a pakka entertainer with all the Commercial elements in it. Comedy King Dr Rajendra Prasad will be seen as Gopichand’s father in the film. The film’s shooting is as of now happening in Hyderabad. Talkie part is been shot. After this the unit will wrap for a short trip out of India for shooting the songs. Nallamalupu Bujji is producing this film under the banner Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Productions.
Hope Gopichand bags a hit that he has been waiting for a longer time, with ‘Mogudu’.