Team India will rely more on Yuvraj Singh getting back on tracks for the coming T20 World cup next week in Sri Lanka. Yuvvi who makes a comeback today after recouping from a post cancer treatment will be first seen wearing the national jersey today while the team takes over the visiting Kiwis. The first T 20 encounter between New Zealand and India is scheduled today in Visakhapatnam. After losing the test series the visitors might plan to get back into the game in this sole encounter. However it is much felt that this match will check the endurance of the home team just before the T20 World Cup scheduled in Sri Lanka from the 18 of September.
Whatever be the outcome, all eyes are set on Yuvvi who is welcomed into the team after his brief illness. Infact the hard hitter has hit hard on the face of cancer and survived all odds for today's mighty innings. However expecting too much of him today is really not correct as he had not been on field for so many days. It would be best if he is able to be out there the whole day that will be the most important thing at the moment. And if he is out there and does not feel the exertion then he is sure to sign the T20 World cup with an Indian victory.
Come what may, this match will positively be a pitch tester for the mighty bat and a stepping stone for his reentry. The tough nut to crack Yuvvy will definitely emerge as a winner till he persuades perseverance and expert guidance. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)