Rain saves the Kiwis face value as the Indian spinner duo were going on a rampage during the brief session on Saturday. The third day of the first test match of India vs New Zealand 2012 series was disturbed due to monsoon showers in Rajiv Gandhi International Cricket Stadium in Hyderabad. New Zealand went in, to carry on their innings from the overnight score of 106/5. However the spinners had a day out today also.
New Zealand came out frustrated after the nature delay due to the morning showers and fell flat for the spinners who grabbed an interesting haul each. The Kiwis were 159 all out before lunch. James Franklin went on to score 43 not out. Indian spin duo Ashwin and Pragyan Ojha grabbed 6/31 and 3/44 respectively, which means they had taken 3 and one wickets each, today. The session before lunch was just a ninety minutes one, as India leads the show.
At Lunch India forces a follow on to the Kiwis. Ojha struck again and grabbed the wicket of the opener Guptill and the play was stopped due to heavy downpour and bad light. Kiwis will open up tomorrow with their today's score of 41/1. Brendon McCullum and Kane Williamson are at the crease at the moment with 16 and three runs respectively. Looks like only some more showers shall save the Kiwis, from a disaster in the first test of their two test series. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)