Messenger application WhatsApp CEO Jan Koum claimed that Apple copied the features in iMessage and questioned the Tech giant's innovation. Apple which unleashed its new operation system iOS 8 at Worldwide Developers Conference [WWDC].
Koum took it on Twitter and posted, “very flattering to see Apple "borrow" numerous WhatsApp features into iMessage in iOS 8 #innovation.” However he did not specify to which feature was he referring to but sources say that iMessage application has all the features of WhatsApp.
iMessage has now options to insert audio, video and location information, all of which are available on WhatsApp. Apple introduced the audio feature in iMessage where users can record a audio to send it. Interestingly you can just listen to the audio message without unlocking the screen of the phobe and just hold the phone next to your ear to hear it.
However, Apple remained unavailable to comment on this.
(AW: Vamshi)