Samsung India which had previously released its first tablet, Samsung Note 10.1, with a stylus in India for pre-bookings has opened the bookings yesterday after it unveiled the price. However, the Samsung Note 10.1 was renamed as the Galaxy Note The tablet had been priced at Rs. 39,990 and is now available in the country.
With impressive specifications like a 1.4 GHz processor, 2 GB of RAM, 10.1 inch display supporting a 1280x800p resolution along with the Android 4.0 OS the tablet is something gadget geeks would like to lay their hands on. The Tablet however does not have a calling facility like its predecessor.
With a 16 GB ample internal storage, the note is also enabled with further expansion capacities upto 32 GB with a microSD card.
Peek universal remote, Adobe Photoshop Touch, and Adobe Ideas are all preinstalled on the phone and are much more than Bloatware.
The much hyped upgrade of Jelly Bean OS on the device is yet to come. It would probably be seen by the end of the year.
(AW- Anil)