Automobile major Renualt has rolled out its SUV (sports utility vehicle) in the Indian market. The prices of this SUV will be ranging from Rs. 7.19 lakh to Rs. 11.29 lakh. Named Duster, this vehicle has got a seating capacity of five unlike other SUVs in India. However, there's enough leg room that ensures maximum comfort. The seats at the front and rear are foldable.
The best part of Duster is the 16-inch alloy wheel. This SUV has also got air bags. It comes in two engines. One ofr petrol and one for diesel. While petrol engine Duster starts at a price of Rs. 7.19 lakh, diesel engine basic model starts at Rs. 7.99 lakh. Since, the price difference between the two SUVs is just Rs.80,000, the technical experts have opined that Duster diesel is more likely to be preferred to Duster petrol model.
The exteriors of the SUV are appealing. The side skirts, the bumper and hood were designed in such a way that it would be appeal youths as well as travel agents. However, since the seating capacity is just five, one has to wait and see whether Renualt Duster will make its presence felt in the market.
AW Phani