Hassle less banking what any bank would like to offer to its customers or rather as per corporate terminology `clients’….. in the process palm-scanning ATM’s to be introduced.
ATM frauds are increasing globally at a rapid pace, adding to this, individual with multi bank accounts need to carry ATM cards of all the banks. Now a central Japanese bank has come up with a fool-proof idea, the second in the world. A Palm-Scanning ATM is to take the place of the old card machine. And the advantage is a customer cannot be cheated in absence. Secondly soon other banks shall follow.
This will relive the clients from carrying additional pack of cards. Japan’s Ogaki Kyoritsu Bank said it would install about a dozen palm-scanning biometric ATMs in late September and planned more in the future, the Discovery News reported. The demand for such a system that shall be of maximum to the client advantage was solved by the bank. The demand suddenly grew important after the natural disaster, Tsunami, in Japan last March. Many were in trouble as they lost all their possessions that included bank books and cards too.
In the first attempt of such biometric-dependent automated teller machines which could read palms was installed by the Ziraat Bank, Turkey’s largest state bank. Similarly Ogaki Kyoritsu is planning to install the new ATMs at 10 branches, two mobile banks, and a drive-through location in Japan. (With inputs from internet: AarKay)