The Kamasutra, written sometime in the 3rd century by a north Indian scholar called Vatsyayana Mallanaga, means literally, the Treatise on Pleasure. Not an exact equivalent of our modern day How To books, the Kamasutra is part high art, part sensual poetry, part Dear Abby kind of advice for sexual novices and part Dummy's Guide to Pleasure.
Practical Advice
Its seven books are divided into chapters with headings such as Winning a Virgin's Trust, Rekindling Exhausted Passion and Reasons for Taking Another Man's Wife. There are useful tips on how a man can manage many women, or increase the size of his sexual organ.
Some of the chapters talk about a long ago world where the "Man About Town" had nothing to do all day except groom himself, play games with courtesans and teach his mynah birds to talk. There are chapters for example, such as "On the Life of Women in a Harem" that seem to belong more to the world of Ali Baba than our more humdrum one filled with TV dinners and delayed commuter trains.
But there are also good words of advice that I suspect more than a few women today would appreciate from tired husbands - words on how to woo, how to romance, how to make a woman melt in the arms of a lover. ("even a bashful or very angry woman cannot resist a man falling at her feet; this is a universal rule": men take note)
Learn some Kama Sutra
Given that the world's oldest guide on love, sex and spirituality is our home production, we Indians should be most adept at the subject. Not the case with you? Well, the book will never go out of fashion and relevance. Plus, its sex chapters have often been plucked out and circulated on the internet, books and on DVDs. Apart from positions, it has some useful advice on behaviour, kissing and touching as well. So, turn over a new leaf tonight!
Revisit old moves
If you've stopped making certain moves in bed because they've bothered you or your partner, find out exactly why it occurs and get over it. Keep in mind, though, the same goes for him/her. Also, if you think you're too 'grown up' for some moves you used to make with your college flame, a total recall would be good fun!
Make a to-do list
We're not saying stick post-its on the ceiling but you and your partner can set a rough timetable, right? Once a month, once a week, whenever suits you - it is important to make to-do list of styles, fantasies - whatever's fun.
Have more foreplay
Women still complain of insufficient foreplay when it comes to sex. Here's a fact: women who get at least 20 minutes of foreplay are 80 per cent more likely to have an orgasm. Don't let your lover be one in the remaining lot.
Add the funk
Sex has become a mechanical activity for many stressed couples. There's a way out. One of you-whoever's less stressed - can change the way you make love (at least for one night, for starters). Suggestions: Forget the ice cubes cliche, get a bottle of wine instead; play raunchy Hindi numbers, encourage dirty chatter in bed... we hope you get the drift?
Go on an adventurous date
A weekend trip to an exotic resort can just get the fun back into your sex. Sometimes, a break in monotony is just what your brain needs to get energised. Take to mountain-climbing, paragliding or simply walk down the beach. Excitement needn't always be expensive.
Overcome your fears
Is there anything you or your mate want to try but breaks into a cold sweat attempting it? There is nothing as liberating as being terrified of something and overcoming it.
Break one of your taboos
Similarly, if you've imposed any rules or taboos on yourself because of fear, lack of knowledge or social pressure, break it.
...and more regularly. It is perhaps the most crucial resolution for your relationship. It seems basic, but when was the last time you discussed sex with him/her? Speaking up is one of the most important ingredients of a healthy sex life.