3 Trains Canceled & 81 Trains Delayed Due to Dense Fog in Delhi 07 December 2016
Three trains have been canceled and 81 trains were delayed as dense fog covered the national capital, New Delhi this morning. However, flights operations from Delhi were normal with some delay. A senior railway official said "train services were disrupted...
Keywords: Weather condition, Weather condition, Weather condition, train delay
Read MoreCyclone Asani weakens into a deep depression 12 May 2022
Cyclone Asani weakens into a deep depression:- Cyclone Asani has brought the much needed relief from the scorching summer heat. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) announced that Cyclone Asani made a landfall between Narasapuram and Machilipatnam on Wednesday night after...
Keywords: Cyclone Asani in AP, Cyclone Asani AP impact, Cyclone Asani breaking updates, Cyclone Asani weather conditions
Read MoreCyclone Asani changes track: AP gets Red Alert 11 May 2022
Cyclone Asani changes track: AP gets Red Alert:- Cyclone Asani was predicted to hit the coast on Tuesday but it changed track and it is predicted to come close to the coast of Kolkata by 600-700 km. The states of...
Keywords: Cyclone Asani weather conditions, Cyclone Asani coast, Cyclone Asani AP impact, Cyclone Asani breaking updates
Read MoreCyclone Asani to hit AP Coast Tomorrow 10 May 2022
Cyclone Asani to hit AP Coast Tomorrow:- As per the predictions of the IMD, Cyclone Asani will hit the coast between Kakinada and Visakhapatnam by tomorrow morning. Though there are predictions that it would hit the coast by today, Cyclone...
Keywords: Cyclone Asani weather conditions, Cyclone Asani speed, Cyclone Asani new updates, Cyclone Asani in AP
Read MoreFlights Delayed Due to Dense Fog in North India 30 November 2016
As winters have arrived, north India witnessed the first dense fog on Wednesday morning. Fog has been reported also in several areas of northern India including in Delhi, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh and west Uttar Pradesh.Due to this dense fog, people...
Keywords: flights delay, weather condition, flights delay, visibility problem
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