Tiffin recipes

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  • preparation of mushroom utappam, mushroom recipes, recipe preparation of mushroom utappam, Tiffin recipes

    Recipe: Preparation of Mushroom Utappam 08 May 2015

    Most of us love mushroom recipes. Not only as regular curry, it can also be prepared as a tiffin variety. Here is the simple preparation of delicious mushroom variety which tastes different and can be prepared more attractive by topping...

    Keywords: mushroom recipes, utappam varieties, preparation of mushroom utappam, utappam varieties

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    Gujarati Bajra vada recipe, breakfast recipes, gujarati bajra vada recipe, Tiffin recipes

    Gujarati Bajra vada recipe 27 October 2015

    Here is the detailed recipe of Gujarati Bajra vada recipe. Preparation time: 10 mins Cooking time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins Ingredients for Gujarati Bajra vada 1 cup bajra flour2 tbsp whole wheat flour2 tbsp curd1 green chili +...

    Keywords: tiffin recipes, tiffin recipes, Gujarati Bajra vada, breakfast recipes

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