Behind High Security Number Plates Contract 27 December 2013
High Security Registration Number Plates no doubt is a good idea to curb the mischievous acts of the law breakers. It addresses many problems from theft of the vehicles to many other crimes. Above all Supreme Court is keen on...
Keywords: Transport Ministry, AP State News, Anti Theft Registration Number Plates, Utsav Safety Systems
Read MoreHarish Rao Objects HSNP 11 December 2013
The TRS Party senior leader Harish Rao objected the High Security Number Plates that is to be started from today. The number plates are tamper proof and cannot be taken out without damaging and making it useless. Harish Rao asks...
Keywords: Harish Rao Objects HSNP, TG number plates, TRS Party, TG number plates
Read MoreChange of number plates from Telugu states clashes with GO 09 July 2015
For taking up all old vehicles under the High Security Registration Plates (HSRP), a detailed proposal is currently under the examination by the Transport department. After the bifurcation of the Telugu states, all the vehicles are ordered to change the number...
Keywords: RTA, Telangan number plates, RTA, Telangana
Read MoreHigh Security Number Plates From Dec 11 10 December 2013
The implementation of the High Security Number Plates at last could be got through by the Transport Department. It will be implemented from Wednesday on new vehicle registrations starting initially from 10 centers at Hyderabad. Extension of it in other...
Keywords: Transport Department of AP, Engine number, High Security Number Plates, Transport Commissioner
Read MoreMystery: Steve Jobs car never had number plates? 28 October 2011
iTWire had the good fortune this morning to spend an hour with Jon Callas, CTO of Entrust, who in the past worked two stints at Apple in various senior security roles. Amongst other tales around his time at Apple, we...
Keywords: No number plate, CTO of Entrust, CTO of Entrust, Jon Callas
Read MoreMystery: Rare but true Steve Jobs car never had number plates 28 October 2011
iTWire had the good fortune this morning to spend an hour with Jon Callas, CTO of Entrust, who in the past worked two stints at Apple in various senior security roles. Amongst other tales around his time at Apple, we...
Keywords: Jon Callas, Jon Callas, CTO of Entrust, Steve Jobs
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