Tamil nadu chief minister jaya lalitha

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  • Jaya Lalitha, Jaya Lalitha violated the election code, jaya lalitha denies violation of election code, Tamil nadu chief minister jaya lalitha

    Jaya Lalitha Denies Violation of Election Code 03 December 2013

    Jaya Lalitha replied to the notice sent to her by the Election Commission on Monday that she violated the election code of conduct when she announced the Government schemes at the election campaign for P.Saroja at Yercaud.   EC sent...

    Keywords: Jaya Lalitha, Jaya Lalitha violated the election code, Jaya Lalitha Denies Violation of Election Code, Jaya Lalitha Denies Violation of Election Code

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    Super stars at 100 years of cinema, Tamil Nadu Governor Roshaiah, cinema celebration concluded at chennai, Tamil nadu chief minister jaya lalitha

    Cinema Celebration Concluded At Chennai 25 September 2013

    The celebration of 100 years of cinema concluded yesterday in a grand way at Chennai last night.  The celebrations that had been going on since four days in Nehru Stadium, Chennai came to the concluding day which was attended by...

    Keywords: Tamil Nadu Governor Roshaiah, Super stars at 100 years of cinema, President of India Pranab Mukherjee, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha

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    Anna film, Vijay niraahara deeksha., amma why are you stopping anna, Tamil nadu chief minister jaya lalitha

    Amma, why are you stopping Anna? 17 August 2013

    Tamil actor Vijay is rolling up his sleeves and gearing up for a real life fight. This time, the fight also involves Tamil Nadu's Amma, Jayalalitha. Reason? Vijay's Anna film, Thalaiva in Tamil, has been restricted from releasing in his...

    Keywords: Vijay letter to Jaya Lalitha, Anna film, Tamil film industry, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha

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    Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha, Telugu Associations  requested Jaya Lalitha, telugu associations meet tn cm, Tamil nadu chief minister jaya lalitha

    Telugu Associations Meet TN CM 27 June 2013

    Representatives from all Telugu Associations in Tamil Nadu met Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha today. The Telugu Associations have a proposal to build an Andhra Bhawan in Chennai.  The Associations requested Jaya Lalitha to extend her help in making...

    Keywords: Telugu Associations, Telugu Associations, Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha, Telugu Associations met CM Jaya Lalitha

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    Andhra Pradesh Reorganizational Bill 2013, YSR Congress party President YS Jagan, jagan gets akhilesh yadav s support, Tamil nadu chief minister jaya lalitha

    Jagan Gets Akhilesh Yadav's Support 07 December 2013

    YSR Congress party President YS Jagan met the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Akhilesh Yadav on Friday and could get his support in stopping the state bifurcation bill called "Andhra Pradesh Reorganizational Bill 2013". Akhilesh Yadav assured Jagan that he...

    Keywords: YS Jagan met Akhilesh Yadav, Andhra Pradesh Reorganizational Bill 2013, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jaya Lalitha, Jagan Gets Akhilesh Yadav's Support

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