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  • Mahendra Nath High school, Rahul Bhattacharya, teen brutally beaten and strangulated to death for stealing a coconut, Strangulated

    Teen brutally beaten and strangulated to death for stealing a coconut 09 July 2012

    Picking up a coconut that had fallen on the road had cost Rahul Bhattacharya his life. 14 year old On the evening of Saturday, at around 7:30pm, Rahul was coming back home from his tutions while he saw a coconut...

    Keywords: Barrackpore court, Barrackpore court, strangulated, strangulated

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    strangulated, strangulated, man strangulates wife drives her in car disposes the body and sets it to fire, Strangulated

    Man strangulates wife, drives her in car, disposes the body and sets it to fire 18 July 2012

    A businessman hailing from Chandigarh strangulated his wife and killed her. In order to dispose her body to avoid any suspicions he drove her in the car, along with him in the front seat after fastening the seat belt to...

    Keywords: strangulated, vajinder singh, businessman, vajinder singh

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    call centre girl held for murder, call centre girl held for murder, call centre girl held for murder, Strangulated

    Call centre girl held for murder 29 November 2011

    In Mumbai a woman had accompanied the senior citizen to withdraw cash from a bank; she strangulated the old woman, smashed her head and fled with the cash and jewellery. Little did Koparkhairane resident Bhagyashree Sonawane know that a simple request...

    Keywords: call centre girl held for murder, murder held by call centre girl, call centre girl strangulated the old woman, girl from call centre held for murder

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