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  • Gene test in babies can reveal future risk of schizophrenia, First few weeks of birth can reveal Schizophrenia risk, first few weeks of birth can reveal schizophrenia risk, Schizophrenia

    First few weeks of birth can reveal Schizophrenia risk 25 July 2015

    The study performed by the researchers from Cardiff University has revealed that the gene involved in causing schizophrenia in people in their adulthood is active as early as they are few weeks old. The gene is known as 'disrupted in...

    Keywords: Schizophrenia risk discovered in babies genes, Scientists discovered schizophrenia causing genes in babies, First few weeks of birth can reveal Schizophrenia risk, Scientists discovered schizophrenia causing genes in babies

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    nottingham university, journal neuron, what causes schizophrenia, Schizophrenia

    What causes schizophrenia??? 22 August 2013

    Scientists brought into actuality during Wednesday, that the deception as well as other psychotic symptoms experienced by people accompanying schizophrenia may be caused by a faulty brain switch that blurs their ability to distinguish inner thoughts from objective reality. In...

    Keywords: what's schizophrenia, what's schizophrenia, psychiatric disorders, what's schizophrenia

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    how to improve memory in schizophrenia patients, wizard app, brain games can improve memory in schizophrenia patients finds study, Schizophrenia

    Brain games can improve memory in schizophrenia patients, finds study 04 August 2015

    A new app developed by the Britain scientists was found to help in improving the memory of patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is one of the most degrading affections, being defined as a long term mental health condition that causes a...

    Keywords: Smartphone app can improve memory in schizophrenia patients, Brain game app may help schizophrenia patients improve memory, Brain game app may help schizophrenia patients improve memory, Brain-training games app helps minimise schizophrenia

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    Omega 3 fatty acids help minimise schizophrenia risk, how fish oil helps treat schizophrenia, omega 3 fatty acids can reduce schizophrenia risk finds study, Schizophrenia

    Omega 3 fatty acids can reduce schizophrenia risk, finds study 13 August 2015

    Omega 3 fatty acids have many health benefits. According to a new study performed by the Australian researchers, it was revealed that omega-3 supplements might reduce the long-term risk of progression to the psychotic disorder.Schizophrenia is a chronic mental disease...

    Keywords: Fish oil helps minimise risk of schizophrenia, how fish oil helps treat schizophrenia, how fish oil helps treat schizophrenia, Fish oil helps minimise risk of schizophrenia

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    memory, marijuana, smoking cannabis daily can reduce memory, Schizophrenia

    Smoking cannabis daily can reduce memory 18 December 2013

    A recent study revealed that smoking cannabis reduces memory among teenagers. Teenagers who smoked daily performed badly in memory test even when they had given up smoking the drug two years ago. The study was recently published in the journal...

    Keywords: Health, Smoking cannabis daily can reduce memory, Smoking cannabis daily can reduce memory, Northwestern University in Illinois

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