Pleasing personality

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  • Smile a lot, friendly disposition, pleasing personality for a proper professional is it really necessary, Pleasing personality

    Pleasing personality for a proper professional... is it really necessary... 27 August 2012

    A professional sometimes has to meet a lot of people as he or she needs to be pleasant and have a friendly disposition. Some people are into professions which deal with the public. Here, the concerned professional needs to be...

    Keywords: Be positive in your outlook, friendly disposition, sales person, handling people in a cheerful manner

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    tips for Performance, Learn to laugh, pleasing personality traits, Pleasing personality

    ‘Pleasing’ Personality Traits! 21 March 2012

    People day in and day out, categories the personality traits of the people they meet on a major extent. In this scenario, the term ‘pleasing personality’ is being herd. What does this exactly mean? Let us try to know this...

    Keywords: Pleasing personality, Pleasing personality, Pleasing personality, Learn to laugh

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    Pleasing Personality, Indifference in listening, are you a pleasing personality, Pleasing personality

    Are you a 'pleasing personality’? 10 July 2012

    Who does not want to get recognized for their pleasing personality??? But, it is a big time task to correct and transform your personality into ‘pleasing personality’ and inculcate the traits. learn what are the 12 hurdles that make us...

    Keywords: Expressed, Pleasing Personality, breaking and running away, Indifference in listening

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