Pleasing personality for a proper professional... is it really necessary... 27 August 2012
A professional sometimes has to meet a lot of people as he or she needs to be pleasant and have a friendly disposition. Some people are into professions which deal with the public. Here, the concerned professional needs to be...
Keywords: Be positive in your outlook, friendly disposition, sales person, handling people in a cheerful manner
Read More‘Pleasing’ Personality Traits! 21 March 2012
People day in and day out, categories the personality traits of the people they meet on a major extent. In this scenario, the term ‘pleasing personality’ is being herd. What does this exactly mean? Let us try to know this...
Keywords: Pleasing personality, Pleasing personality, Pleasing personality, Learn to laugh
Read MoreAre you a 'pleasing personality’? 10 July 2012
Who does not want to get recognized for their pleasing personality??? But, it is a big time task to correct and transform your personality into ‘pleasing personality’ and inculcate the traits. learn what are the 12 hurdles that make us...
Keywords: Expressed, Pleasing Personality, breaking and running away, Indifference in listening
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