Pamper your pout naturally 13 December 2013
Don't let the nip in the air chap your lips! And no, you don't really need those chapsticks or greasy tinted lip balms to pamper your pout. Not only do they dry the skin further, but also strip them off...
Keywords: Lip Caring, Lips, homemade lip balm, Lips
Read MoreProper care for your feet 20 March 2013
It is necessary for your feet to also be beautiful... just because for your feet and nails to appear beautiful, we go for a pedicure very often… but, many would not follow the basic tips of pedicure and they are;...
Keywords: beautiful feet, cracks on feet, beautiful feet, feet care
Read MoreTop 5 Moisturizers for Oily Skin 23 September 2016
Moisturizing the skin is an essential part in every skin care routine. Many people with oily skin think that they don’t have to moisturize their skin which is not right! Moisturizer helps in maintaining the natural moisture of oily skin...
Keywords: oily skin, creams, creams, Moisturizer
Read MoreHow to exfoliate skin in winter 19 December 2013
With the winter season is upon us, it is important to change your skincare regime to suit the season. Dermatologist Dr. Chiranjiv Chhabra says, “Dry skin looks dull because it is caused by dead skin cells, and both need to...
Keywords: Beauty expert Shahnaz Hussain, winter beauty care, moisturize the skin, Skin in Winter
Read MoreNail Care Secrets... 23 August 2012
Manicures, pedicures, artificial tips, paraffin treatments, nail jewelry-the nail care industry is booming, with nail salons seemingly on every corner. Why is this, do you suppose? There was a time when only the wealthy had regular manicures, but now it's...
Keywords: sterilize, Moisturize your nails regularly, Moisturize your nails regularly, Nail Care Secrets
Read MoreNever oil hair in dandruff 12 December 2013
For us Indians, hair oil seems to be the ultimate remedy for all hair woes. But mind you, oiling your hair when suffering from dandruff can only aggravate the itch and flake. Don't trust us? Read on. Dr. Vijay Singal,...
Keywords: moisturize hair, Tips For Hair, don't oil hair in dandruff, Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute
Read MoreKiss the wintery blues goodbye 04 October 2013
With the arrival of winter, our lips face the heat. Chapped, dry, flaky, the cold is a villain that should be put in its place. To fight the wintery blues, check out these simple tricks. The first trick is a...
Keywords: how to cure dry lips, kissable lips, lip care in winter, lip care in winter
Read MoreProper skin care in peek winter 03 January 2013
Winter is on and the cold of the winter is not only getting into our nerves but into the pores of our skin, making our skin look aged and dry... of course, you all have your own ways of taking...
Keywords: oil massages, cracked hands, skin care, oil massages
Read MoreTips for proper moisturizing 01 December 2012
Dry skin is a problem faced by many of us during winter. Everyone prefers applying a moisturizer. But finding the right one which suits your skin and which stays day long is more important. Step in to a store and...
Keywords: moisturizer, mackup tips, glycerin, oily skin
Read MoreDullness in your skin? Get rid out of it! 10 April 2012
Just imagine… you just report in at work place or get indulged in a house hold work, at the start of the week and someone just drops in and says… ‘Youseem to look tired… anything wrong?’ the reason could be...
Keywords: dead skin cells, Dullness skin, tips to rid of tiredness, skin moisturizer
Read MoreSpecial tips to build your skin's health and immunity 19 April 2021
Special tips to build your skin's health and immunity:- Skin happens to be the largest organ of the human body. It protects the body from harmful elements and microbes and regulates the temperature of the body. It is always important...
Keywords: Skin health moisturizer, Skin health moisturizer, Skin health news, Skin health needs
Read MoreMirror mirror, which beauty secret is the best? 24 September 2013
In the eternal quest for ethereal beauty, we indulge in countless tips to do the trick. That magical aura of loveliness is the result of not thousands but only a few religiously followed rituals. To know which beauty secret is...
Keywords: Beauty secrets, radiant skin, Beauty secrets, healthy lifestyle
Read MoreFor the 'BIG' day in your life... 25 July 2012
You might have followed n number of beauty tips to retain your glowing skin... but, the final touch before your Wedding do matters... It is said that beauty comes from within but it only comes when you take care of...
Keywords: Regular beauty cares, waxing, Take cotton ball, Full body scrubbing
Read MoreMaximize the power of moisturizer 15 June 2013
Daily face care is needed to get beautiful face, but you have to care in some matters like moisturizing. Selecting the appropriate face moisturizer can be stay on the skin for extended periods of time. Make sure your cleanser that doesn't...
Keywords: selecting moisturizer, tips for moisturizing., good moisturizer, healthy skin
Read MoreCare for dry feet... 17 November 2012
Enjoy this winter rather than worrying about your feet... put them directly on the floor and enjoy the coldness... and to take care of your feet, here are the tips; Sweaty feet are soft feet, as gross as that sounds....
Keywords: soft feet, skin cell growth, vitamin c, vitamin c
Read MoreSplits.... a hurdle for hair growth... but why??? 26 June 2012
Just like many other hurdles to our beauty, we are aware that a lot of splits on hair would prevent the hair from growth... but, have you ever thought to know what causes split ends??? Do it now... you could...
Keywords: Splits Hair, Poor Diet-Poor eating habits, Blow drying hair, Ntural moisturizers
Read MoreSoft and Beautiful Hands 08 December 2012
Hands give a picture of several things about us. It will tell how you take care of your body, life and how old you are getting. Good maintenance of the hands is very important. Few hand care tips for you:...
Keywords: wash hand soap, beauty tips, beauty tips, beautiful hands
Read MoreThe beautiful wonders of honey 27 December 2013
One of the best beauty products to come out of nature's basket - honey is wonder cure for all skin woes. Besides being a natural cleanser, honey is known to exfoliate skin and leave one with a radiant, glowing complexion....
Keywords: honey, Honey as natural cleanser, Honey For Soft Skin, Honey as natural cleanser
Read MoreHair Care Basics..! 04 September 2012
Have you seen a strand of hair that got too close to a flame? It's light-colored dull, hangs in a weird half-curled shape and breaks at the slightest touch. This is hair without any moisture. To understand this reaction, we...
Keywords: inner layer, Naturally Moisturize Your Hair, Hair Care Basics, inner layer
Read MoreGet rid of tan, this summer 10 April 2013
Another biggest disadvantage of this season is tan. We get affected by the tan, because not avoiding our daily routine, we end up going out, let the sun show its power on our skin and end up getting tanned. But...
Keywords: skin tan, moisturizer, summer skin care, summer skin care
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