Marriage myths

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  • libido, myths, marriage myths busted, Marriage myths

    Marriage myths busted 08 January 2014

    For dreamy singles, marriage often feels like a fix-it-all. But beware, it isn't everything that meets the eye. We bring you three most popular myths about marriage. I won't be lonely Marriage isn't the cure for loneliness. There are many...

    Keywords: marriage, love and relationship, Partner, Love

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    Love, love and relationship, marriage rules meant to be broken, Marriage myths

    Marriage Rules Meant to be Broken 09 January 2014

    Some say that couples should never sleep over a fight. We say, "It's 2014!" Meaning it's high time to debunk the outdated marriage myths and go for a reality check. If you truly want a long, successful and fulfilling marriage,...

    Keywords: Partner, love and relationship, happy marriage, Marriage Rules Meant to be Broken

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