Kids behavior

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  • tips for parents, tips for parents, the art of parenting, Kids behavior

    The art of parenting 16 April 2013

    We like to be called as 'strict parents' by our kids. But it is known by now that not by being tough but by understanding and giving importance to kid's thoughts and actions, we can ensure a better growth of...

    Keywords: anger kids, strict parents, parenting, kids thoughts

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    loving your kids, extra love, loving your kids love them right, Kids behavior

    Loving your kids??? Love them right 18 March 2013

    You might have come across that mischievous kid who rules his/her parents and makes sure what ever being asked is to be given on time, irrespective of the use of what they have asked for. This is not all, may...

    Keywords: behavor, children, children, children

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    mother kids friends, women hood, be a best friend for your kid, Kids behavior

    Be a best friend for your kid 09 April 2013

    A mother's role in shaping up the kid to be a best individual, possessing right behavior and thought process at the right time is considered to be most important. But in the name of discipline, we are just imposing rules...

    Keywords: kids school, home kids mothers, mother hood, women hood

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    tips, kids behavior, messy kids, Kids behavior

    Messy kids? 18 October 2011

    Well, this is a life time problem for every mother. When we see the history, there is no single kid, who has a track record of being calm, cool, matured to their age, which eat and sleep on time, eat...

    Keywords: tips, tips for mother, healthy kid, kids behavior

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    how to handle child’s behavior, parent’s responsibility towards kids, neglected kids are susceptible to poor social behavior, Kids behavior

    Neglected kids are susceptible to poor social behavior 23 April 2015

    Love your child and provide their basic needs as lack of them may affect social behavior of your child. It was proved by the researchers of Patricia Logan-Greene from University at Buffalo in New York. The study is forthcoming in...

    Keywords: how to care for child, how to handle child’s behavior, parent’s responsibility towards kids, kids social behavior is effected by parents care

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