Fire fighting

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  • Pollution control vessel, Pollution control vessel, abg class pollution control vessel samudra prahari, Fire fighting

    ABG Class Pollution Control Vessel.."Samudra Prahari" 09 March 2013

    On Thursday, "Samudra Prahari" which is the Indian Coast Guard's first pollution control vessel arrived in Oman for a four-day friendly visit, according to a press release issued by the mission on Wednesday evening. Moreover it's that during the visit,...

    Keywords: Oman, fire control system, fire control system, Indian Coast Guard

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    heavy downpour, fire fighting personnel, death toll rises to 7 in mumbai building collapse, Fire fighting

    Death Toll Rises To 7 In Mumbai Building Collapse 11 June 2013

    Heavy downpour Disrupted daily activities in Mumbai. Heavy and incessant rains in Mumbai made havoc at Mumbai with rain water clogged at many places made the daily activities of the residents difficult. Seven persons found dead and six injured as...

    Keywords: Injured persons, collapsed building, collapsed building, five storey building

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    Fire, Ali Cotton Traders, fire in ginning mill 10 lakhs worth up in flames, Fire fighting

    Fire in ginning mill, 10 lakhs worth up in flames 03 March 2012

    Fire razed to ashes worth lakhs in a Ginning mill in Kurnool District. The fire which broke out in the early hours of the day, razed down material worth Rs 10 Lakhs worth of material. No injury is yet recorded....

    Keywords: Ali Cotton Traders, Adoni Market Yard, Cotton razed, fire Fighting

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    8 Fire engines, 8 Fire engines, major fire in banjara hills eight fire engines put into service, Fire fighting

    Major fire in Banjara Hills, eight fire engines put into service 28 November 2011

    A multi-storied complex under construction was engulfed in fire last night, at the Banjara Hills Road no: 3 in Hyderabad. The fire was a major accident that is suspected to be caused due to short circuit in the building. Though...

    Keywords: Fire service, No causality, Razing, No causality

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    construction norms, New rules for constructions building, strict rules for hospitals in high rises, Fire fighting

    Strict rules for hospitals in high-rises 14 December 2011

    The government has come out with separate set of building regulations for hospitals in high-rises restricting them to 15 floors or 60 metres height, with each floor of four metres. New setback rules too have been issued for such buildings,...

    Keywords: Fire safety, prevent fire, Fire safety, prevent fire

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    Charlapalli Industrial Estate, short circuit, fire accident in charlapalli industrial estate, Fire fighting

    Fire accident in Charlapalli Industrial Estate 15 February 2012

    Late last night fire broke out in an industry situated in the Phase-II of the Charlapalli Industrial Estate. The fire broke out in the Stetech Pvt Ltd (ETN Processor). This is a thermo coal unit. The fire accident occurred late...

    Keywords: short circuit, Charlapalli Industrial Estate, Stetech Pvt Ltd, Stetech Pvt Ltd

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