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  • friendship quotes, friendship quotes, w3 day for common man, Facebook friends

    W3 day for common man 06 August 2012

    As I talk of this man who made distant continents nearer with the stroke of an 'enter' key, I remember the famous sayings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Lives of great men all remind usWe can make our lives sublime...Footprints on...

    Keywords: facebook index, facebook index, friendship, gmail account email

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    Facebook, Facebook friends, boy throws hot water for unfriending, Facebook friends

    Boy throws hot water for unfriending 03 January 2014

    Like mobiles which became part of human body, social networking site, Facebook too became an integral part now. Every youth in the country turns into Facebook to check his/her friend's updates, photos and lot of stuff. Making friends among the...

    Keywords: boy pours hot water, Boy throws hot water for unfriending, Facebook friends, boy pours hot water for unfriending him in facebook

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    for life than men, Women are twice as good as men, women better at making friends for life than men, Facebook friends

    Women better at making friends for life than men: 24 August 2012

    Women are twice as good as men at making friends for life, according to a new study published in Britain's Daily Mail. One third of the women surveyed said their best friend in adulthood is someone they met back during...

    Keywords: making friends for life, , many Facebook friends, many Facebook friends

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