European space agency

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  • Indian advanced weather satellite, Inmarsat, on the wings of progress indian insat 3d satellite launched, European space agency

    On the wings of progress: Indian INSAT-3D satellite launched 26 July 2013

    India's advanced weather satellite INSAT-3D was launched successfully from a European Space station. This spells a fast rate of progress to the country that has made the world take respectful notice. Despite many infamous controversies that India was embroiled in...

    Keywords: meteorological satellite, European space station, Inmarsat, advanced weather satellite

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    Comet Ison's death occurred, Comet Ison, comet ison died at 21 30 gmt esa, European space agency

    Comet Ison Died at 21.30 GMT- ESA 29 November 2013

    The European Space Agency (ESA) declared that the Comet Ison's death occurred at 21.30 GMT. The comet of the century is gone like Comet Lovejoy in 2011. The skywathers were allured with the 2 km long comet since it was...

    Keywords: Comet Ison, Sun watching satellite of ESA, Sun, Comet Lovejoy

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