The European Space Agency (ESA) declared that the Comet Ison's death occurred at 21.30 GMT.
The comet of the century is gone like Comet Lovejoy in 2011. The skywathers were allured with the 2 km long comet since it was located in 2012. It came from the outer planet Neptune and found its way to the inner solar system was promising to give brilliant tail in the skies for at least two weeks. But the comet Ison went close to the Sun into a heat of 2000 C. At the same time the gravitational force of the Sun must be too much for the comet to retain its voyage.
Despite its size the Comet was torn by the heat and great pull of the Sun which is captivating entire solar system.
The Soho, Sun watching satellite of ESA has been watching the comet Ison when it took a sweep behind Sun but failed to see its reemerge. Instead of it fizzling debris were found as a streak.