Education loans

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  • studying in abroad, foreign education, foreign education a dream for indian students, Education loans

    Foreign Education: A Dream for Indian Students 06 January 2012

    In a country like India where a majority of students aim at studying in abroad were affected the most due to the falling rupee. The fall in rupee has raised the costs of foreign educations forcing the students to dig...

    Keywords: percentage of rupee, off take of education loans, off take of education loans, depreciation

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    Lower interest on education loan from today, Pratip Chaudhuri, lower interest on education loan from today sbi, Education loans

    Lower interest on education loan from today: SBI 20 February 2012

    For a loan of Rs 4 lakh, interest rate will be down by 25 bps to 11.75 per cent; for loans in the Rs 4-7.5 lakh range, the rate is down 100 bps to 12.50 per cent, while for loans...

    Keywords: asset, Lower interest on education loan from today, SBI Chairman, SBI Chairman

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    purses hit, Indian students, weak rupee hits indian students purses, Education loans

    Weak Rupee hits Indian Students purses 11 June 2012

    The uneven surge in the rupee-dollar rating has hit hard on many segements delaing with global operations. Be it the imports or any international financial dealings, but the worst hit are the students. Whether they are in abroad or aspiring...

    Keywords: purses hit, purses hit, education loans, purses hit

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