Comet Ison Died at 21.30 GMT- ESA 29 November 2013
The European Space Agency (ESA) declared that the Comet Ison's death occurred at 21.30 GMT. The comet of the century is gone like Comet Lovejoy in 2011. The skywathers were allured with the 2 km long comet since it was...
Keywords: SOHO, Sun watching satellite of ESA, Comet Lovejoy, Comet Ison Died
Read MoreScientists pronounce Comet ISON dead 12 December 2013
Comet Ison has been pronounced dead on Tuesday at a scientific conference. The comet was not able to withstand the the sun's powerful gravity and was also affected by solar radiation. On Nov 28, Ison, which was hailed as comet...
Keywords: ISON, solar radiation, Scientists pronounce Comet ISON dead, Scientists pronounce Comet ISON dead
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