Cold storage ap

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  • cold storage, leukemia, freezer is son s mortuary cabinet, Cold storage ap

    Freezer is son's mortuary cabinet 03 October 2012

    A couple, too attached to their son had tried to hide their son who died of leukemia in their own freezer converting it into the freezing mortuary cabinet. They did this for six years until the stored body was recently...

    Keywords: leukemia, mortuary, Freezer, cold storage

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    adverse conditions for TRS, adverse conditions for TRS, trs develops cold feet over by polls, Cold storage ap

    TRS develops cold feet over by polls 31 January 2012

    Amid reports that the TRS, the main protagonist-party of the separate Telangana, may have lost some solid ground in the Telangana region in the backdrop of the freezing of the T stir for the last few months, the party has...

    Keywords: plight of TRS, plight of TRS, by polls in Telangana, by polls in Telangana

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    cold storage ap, cold storage ap, 5000 tonnes of bengal gram seized, Cold storage ap

    5000 tonnes of Bengal gram seized 07 November 2011

    Civil supplies officials seized Bengal gram worth Rs.40 Cr stored illegally by traders in the Prakasam district. The officials have been conducting raids on various go-downs and cold storage plants in the district for the last three days. The raids...

    Keywords: Bengal gram seizure, hoarding of Bengal gram, hoarding of Bengal gram, cold storage ap

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