Camera wishesh

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  • diorama effect, tilt shift photography, camera wishesh miniature faking or diorama effect, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: Miniature-faking or Diorama effect 25 April 2013

    Camera Wishesh is back with a bang today with an uber-cool effect that requires you to do more work than ever but at Wishesh we love to work harder for better results, don't we? With no further ado, let us...

    Keywords: tilt shift photography, tilt shift photography tutorial, tilt shift photography tutorial, miniature effect

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    overexposed, Shallow Depth of Field, camera wishesh mini photography school, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: Mini Photography School 21 February 2013

    Good Afternoon readers, hope you are enjoying our daily special exclusive columns on HotBuzz section. Thursdays, we would like to share some of our camera gyaan with you and hence we have come up with a special column, Camera Wishesh...

    Keywords: Camera Tutorials, overexposed, free online photography tutorials, DSLR

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    DSLR, nikon, camera wishesh 3 understanding iso, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh #3: Understanding ISO 08 March 2013

    Hello, friends. With the previous tutorials, I expect you should have taken a few better pictures than before. Sure, they might not be the best pictures that sell for millions already but you will eventually get there with enough passion...

    Keywords: DSLR, dslr tutorials, ISO, ISO

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    camera sensor, great pictures, camera wishesh 2 shutter speed and more, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh #2: Shutter Speed and more 01 March 2013

    Hello, fellow shutterbugs, have you been trying out the tips from the past lesson in your photoshoots? For those who were not present for the first session here is the link to familiarize yourself with. Camera Wishesh #1 Now I...

    Keywords: great pictures, photos, haperture, lens

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    flower photography, flower photography, camera wishesh flower photography tips and tricks, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: Flower photography tips and tricks 18 April 2013

    Hello folks. Long time, no see? It was a hectic week and there was lot of activity going around in town but worry not here is your weekly quota of lessons back in action. As a bonus, I have decided...

    Keywords: flower wallpapers, flower photography, flower photography, flower pictures

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    dslr, exposure triangle, camera wishesh better exposure, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: Better Exposure 14 March 2013

    Good Afternoon, fellow shutterbugs. How did your pictures improve over the past few weeks? Little, greatly or none at all? Worry not, we shall go deeper and understand much more before taking better award winning pictures. By now, I assume...

    Keywords: better exposure, camera, shutter speed, shutterbug

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    rules of composition, rule of thirds, camera wishesh rules of composition, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: Rules of Composition 28 March 2013

    Folks, How have you been doing? Had a great Holi? Did you manage some stunning shots? Share them with us. Meanwhile, we are heare for your weekly quota of photography lessons. Today, we learn about composing the pictures. This is...

    Keywords: composition rules, composition rules, rules of composition, composition rules

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    understand lighting, metering modes, camera wishesh understanding metering modes, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: Understanding metering modes 21 March 2013

    Before we begin a lesson that is of a level higher than being a mere beginner, go through the previous lesson once again, if you are not feeling confident enough to move on or if you are new here.

    Keywords: metering modes, average metering, metering mode tutorials, understand lighting

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    better photography, camera wishesh, camera wishesh more rules of composition, Camera wishesh

    Camera Wishesh: More rules of composition 04 April 2013

    Hello friends. Continuing the previous lesson of rules of composition, I will assume that you have a decent understanding of the rule of thirds. To take better pictures, there should be a balance in the way you compose the picture....

    Keywords: Camera Wishesh, Camera Wishesh, photography, composition

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