Folks, How have you been doing? Had a great Holi? Did you manage some stunning shots? Share them with us. Meanwhile, we are heare for your weekly quota of photography lessons. Today, we learn about composing the pictures.
This is arguably one of the most important elements of pictures. You might have a $2000 camera, and a $2500 lens but without knowing where to place your subjects and excipients (elements other than the subjects); you can never have a picture that will grab attention. Excipients is my own term for the elements, since I love Latin derived words and not everyone might understand the word in photograhy terms.
Now, there is no way I can teach you how to compose pictures perfectly. But I can share some of my already little knowledge on how to take better pictures by using a few techniques and tips.
Rule No #1: Make sure you break the rules. Often.
Rule No #2: Rule of Thirds:
Imagine your photos to be a big rectangular frame that is divided into 9 equal parts by two vertical and two horizontal lines. Always make sure that you have your subjects at one of the intersection of lines. And when I mean always, refer to rule #1.
This draws a special interest to the pictures, rather than a placid image placed at the center of the frame.
Look at this image. What if the image was centered and the light house was just in between the grid? It would be a plain image of any other lighthouse in the world. The drama added by the lack of symmetry is making the picture beautiful here.
Look at this example, which picture has more interest? The one away from the center gives you the impression that the boat is moving into the frame. Hence, more drama.
However, always remember to shoot from different angles. Use the rule sometimes when your senses are not tingling and at other times forget the rules and keep shooting. Don't be discouraged if you get more bad shots than good shots. It means that you are making progress.
Photography Tip of the day: Professional Photographers have thousands of bad pictures. You just don't get to see them. Don't show your bad pictures too!
(AW- Anil)