Boeing 747 8

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  • Airbus 380, Boeing 747, india likely to hire boeing 747, Boeing 747 8

    India likely to hire Boeing 747 13 June 2012

    India is soon going to hire world's biggest flights. Hiring giant airplines such as Boeing 747 and Airbus 380 would come to reality in India soon. The UK based air charter broker company Air Partner has joined hands with InterGlobe...

    Keywords: Boeing 747, Boeing 747, Boeing 747, Boeing 747

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    Frankfurt-Delhi, Lufthansa, lufthansa s newest boeing 747 8 to ply between delhi and frankfurt, Boeing 747 8

    Lufthansa's newest Boeing (747-8) to ply between Delhi and Frankfurt 10 July 2012

    After a long wait for India to accept the launch of Airbus A 380 to fly between Frankfurt and Delhi, German based Lufthansa has decided to make Delhi the first Asian city with the latest Boeing 747-8 on its runways....

    Keywords: Boeing 747-400, Boeing 747-400, Boeing 747-400, Airbus A 380

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    Asiana Airlines, Boeing 747, boeing 777 pilot was inexperienced, Boeing 747 8

    Boeing 777 pilot was inexperienced! 08 July 2013

    After the Boeing 777 crash-landed in San Francisco on Saturday, Asiana Airlines came out in the open, telling that the pilot flying the aircraft had little experience. Lee Hyomin, Asiana Airlines spokesperson affirmed the Associated Press Monday that Lee Gang-guk,...

    Keywords: Boeing 747, San Francisco, National Transportation Safety Board, Boeing 747

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