Sheriff Joe Arpaio: Obama's birth certificate is fraudulent 19 July 2012
Is President Barack Obama's birth certificate a fake one? Yes, said the investigators in the United States. The team of investigators formed by Maricopa County Sheriff, Joe Arpaio suspected that the birth certificate of Barack Obama, which was released by...
Keywords: Shariff Jeo, Obama, Obama, Birth certificate
Read MoreBirth Certificate Issued for Baby Girl for Hindu Father and Muslim Mother in UAE 29 April 2019
Birth Certificate Issued for Baby Girl for Hindu Father and Muslim Mother in UAE:- As per the marriage rules of the United Arab Emirates, a Muslim man can marry a non-Muslim woman, but a Muslim woman can never marry a...
Keywords: UAE Government, Kiran Babu and Sanam Saboo Siddique latest, UAE Government, Kiran Babu and Sanam Saboo Siddique
Read MoreUnique birth certificate in Islamic states 02 May 2015
The birth certificate what we know in India is far different from Islamic states. The certificate is issued in a very unique process on those places.If you can observe the picture, there is a black cloth on the baby's body....
Keywords: unbelievable facts, Birth certificate, Weirds facts, Islam
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