Best couple ever

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  • best couple ever, marriage life women, vexed up with ex, Best couple ever

    Vexed up with ‘Ex’? 15 December 2011

    Who does not make mistakes in life? So did we by being in a relationship with that wrong person who is perfectly not suited to our life and mind set. After realizing the same, we chose to part ways with...

    Keywords: best couple ever, arranged marriage., marriage life tips, best couple ever

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    tips for couples, good lifepartner, simple but life spoilers if ignored, Best couple ever

    Simple, but life spoilers if ignored! 22 November 2011

    Yesterday itself, when we were talking about work life pressure and handling the same, I have reminded ‘Work is not life’. This would suit perfect in working out the marriage itself. Any relationship would require Love, Money and Time, as...

    Keywords: tips for life partner., Best couple ever, Best couple ever, Best couple tips

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    couple diet together, tips for couple, couples diet and exercise together is better, Best couple ever

    Couples Diet and Exercise together is better 06 January 2012

    Couples that diet and exercise together get better results than trying to go at it alone. I recently entered a "Biggest Loser" competition at work. When my wife found out she decided that dieting and exercise was a good idea...

    Keywords: best couple ever, couple exercise, tips for couple, tips for exercise.

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    best couple ever, Friendship, break in relationship for better or worst, Best couple ever

    Break in ‘Relationship’? For better or worst… 25 January 2012

    This could be one of the reasons why ‘Break KeBaad’ was a successful film… in films, anything and everything can be accepted, but can we apply the same logic in life as well? is it really necessary to take a...

    Keywords: happy relatioship., best couple ever, best couple ever, best couple ever

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    women lifestyle today, best couple ever tips, the other side of the coin, Best couple ever

    The other side of the Coin! 26 November 2011

    ‘By chance either you or I get to know atleast a person known to us is in an extra marital affair, that’s it… this would be the topic of the day or sometimes even for a week. We end up...

    Keywords: tips for women, arranged marriages, wife and husband marriage, wife and husband marriage

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