Assembly meetings

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  • chandrababu Naidu photos with call money organizers, chandrababu Naidu photos with call money organizers, ap assembly 2nd day call money s heat continues, Assembly meetings

    AP assembly 2nd day: Call money's heat continues 18 December 2015

    Assembly meetings have just started on the second day and the call money issue is again raised by the YSRCP leaders. Upon the oppositions stressed to discuss about the call money issue in the Assembly yesterday, huge rivalry took place...

    Keywords: AP news, Call money, chandrababu Naidu photos with call money organizers, assembly meetings second day call money

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    AP news, call money in AP assembly, call money naidu announces 80 ysrcp leaders names involved, Assembly meetings

    Call money: Naidu announces 80 YSRCP leaders’ names involved 18 December 2015

    Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu has released a statement in AP  Assembly, regarding the call money issue, saying that, about 80 people from YSRCP are involved in the call money scam. Today morning, TDP leaders said that, they would...

    Keywords: AP news, assembly meetings, call money in AP assembly, call money in AP assembly

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    AP news, Call money, ap assembly meetings began oppositions target call money, Assembly meetings

    AP assembly meetings began, oppositions target call money 17 December 2015

    AP assembly meetings have started just a while and as expected, the YSRCP leaders are protesting against the government, regarding the call money issue. High rates of interest is not just the key problem of the call money scam. Along...

    Keywords: Call money, AP news, Call money, Call money

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    Assembly meetings, call money, jagan loses confidence among the public, Assembly meetings

    Jagan loses confidence among the public! 23 December 2015

    It seems, YSRCP chief, Jagan Mohan Reddy is losing the confidence among the public, day by day. Right after the formation of the TDP government in Andhra Pradesh, there are several issues, where the opposition parties, got the chance to...

    Keywords: call money, Assembly meetings, Assembly meetings, Assembly meetings

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