Chocolate applesauce cake recipe 24 May 2016
How would it be, if you know that you can afford to make a cake, you have seen at a rich cake shop. Chocolate applesauce cake is one such dessert, you can prepare at your home. Preparation time: 20 minutes...
Keywords: Chocolate applesauce cake recipe, cake recipes, cake recipes, Chocolate applesauce cake recipe
Read MoreEat fruits, do not drink them 30 August 2013
According to a new study, eating whole fresh fruit, especially blueberries, grapes, apples and pears, is linked to a lower risk of Type 2 diabetes, yet drinking fruit juice has the opposite effect. British, United States (US) as well as...
Keywords: apples, happy healthy life, pears, drinking fruit juice
Read MoreSuperfoods can keep kidney disease at bay 20 July 2012
With ever increasing stress and busy mechanical life, people are tending to develop n number of variety diseases. And most dreadful disease, which people often attract with unhealthy life style is, diabetes. While avoiding mechanical life is beyond your limit,...
Keywords: onion, healthy diet, kidney disease, kidney disease
Read MoreOrganic apples make the perfect health food 07 July 2012
Organic apples are one of the most perfect health foods you can eat. They contain a very filling and satisfying type of fiber, which helps with weight control. They also have several powerful nutrients that truly will "keep the doctor...
Keywords: Powerful nutrients, Powerful nutrients, health tips, Powerful nutrients
Read MoreAn apple a day may also keep pharmacist away, study revealed 31 March 2015
According to the study the old proverb "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" was busted as the researchers have found that the daily apple eaters had just as many doctor visits as those who did not regularly eat...
Keywords: Apple benefits, doctor's research on apples, healthy tips, old myth on apple busted
Read MoreAppleShapeBody 08 February 2011
Are you an apple body shaped girl who is constantly trying to find great clothes to hide your tummy? If so, you’re not alone. Whether you’re plus size or average, your belly can be causing you problems and finding clothes...
Keywords: AppleShapeBody, AppleShapeBody, AppleShapeBody, AppleShapeBody
Read MoreFood To Keep Your Lungs Safe And Healthy 25 October 2019
Food To Keep Your Lungs Safe And Healthy:- With winters coming in, it is quite difficult for people suffering from asthma and other lung-related health issues to be comfortable. Here are some food items you should include to keep clear...
Keywords: green tea, Food habits, coffee, garlic
Read MoreApple and Peanut Butter 20 March 2011
Peanut butter and apples are two foods that seem to find their ways onto healthy food lists, either by themselves or as part of the legume and fruit groups, respectively. They also combine to make a quick snack Nutritional Content...
Keywords: benifits of peanut butter, benifits of peanut butter, benifits of peanut butter, best foods
Read MoreDoctors dont suggest to eat apples 20 April 2015
Doctors hate the patients who eat apples. Do you know why ?An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Keywords: Funny Jokes, Funny Jokes, Jokes, Funny Jokes
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