Aicc meeting

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  • Narendra Modi, Gujarat 2002 riots, rahul gandhi opened up to fight on tv media is modi ready, Aicc meeting

    Rahul Gandhi opened up to fight on TV/Media - is Modi ready? 29 January 2014

    The political circles all over the country are murmuring about Rahul Gandhi's interview with Arnab Goswami. It was Rahul Gandhi's first interview in a decade of his entry into active politics. In the AICC meeting held earlier this month, Rahul...

    Keywords: Delhi riots 1984, Rahul Gandhi's interview with Arnab Goswami, Elections 2014, Rahul Gandhi's interview with Arnab Goswami

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    AICC meeting, Rahul Gandhi, give more tickets to young chidambaram, Aicc meeting

    Give more tickets to young: Chidambaram 17 January 2014

    Finance Minister P Chidambaram has asked the Congress high command to field young candidates of 35 years in upcoming General elections. Speaking on the political and economic resolution moved in AICC meeting Chidambaram made this statement. “68 percent of country's...

    Keywords: Young India Empowered India slogan, Rahul Gandhi, Finance Minister Chidambaram, Finance Minister Chidambaram

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    Rahul Gandhi, Congress  Prime Ministerial candidate, rahul gandhi ready for pm post, Aicc meeting

    Rahul Gandhi ready for PM Post 14 January 2014

    Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi has hinted that he would take up the Prime Minister seat, if the party elects his name for the post. Rahul said he is an soldier of the Congress party and would do anything for...

    Keywords: 2014 general elections, AICC meeting, Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi, Congress Prime Ministerial candidate

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    Dr. Manmohan Singh, Dr. Manmohan Singh, can rahul gandhi fill the shoes, Aicc meeting

    Can Rahul Gandhi fill the shoes? 14 January 2014

    Well it is all over for Congress senior most leaders who are aiming to fill the shoes of current Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh in coming General Elections. Congress's vice president Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said he is ready to...

    Keywords: Indira Gandhi, Dr. Manmohan Singh, Indira Gandhi, Indira Gandhi

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    AICC meeting, Veerappa Moily, subsidized lpg number increases, Aicc meeting

    Subsidized LPG number increases 17 January 2014

    Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Veerappa Moily has announced the increase in number of subsidized LPG cylinders from 9 to 12 per year in AICC meeting this evening. Moily gave an immediate nod to this proposal when Congress vice president...

    Keywords: Petroleum minister, Veerappa Moily, Subsidy on LPG, LPG cylinders

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