Here are some simple tips for Asthma patients:- Asthma happens to be a special condition that restricts the air carried into the lungs and it makes the person hard to breathe and leads to chest tightness, wheezing, coughing and breathlessness. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic worsened the situations of the asthma patients as the lungs are impacted badly due to the coronavirus. As per the experts, the respiratory viruses can worsen the symptoms of asthma. If a person has uncontrolled asthma, it may develop severe coronavirus symptoms. The asthma patients are more prone to pneumonia, fibrosis and other respiratory diseases.
The major symptoms seen in the coronavirus positive patients are breathlessness. It is best to use the inhaler so that the attack of asthma can be managed. All the other medications along with the inhalers and bronchodilators should be continued for the asthma patients who are tested positive for coronavirus. They can use nebulization with or without steroids so that they can help the patient from pressure and chest congestion. It is good if the asthma patients are vaccinated in advance to prevent some deadly implications of coronavirus. Vaccination will help the person protect from coronavirus and it also reduces the chance of symptoms of the deadly virus.
Always consult the doctors if you have any other deficiencies or diseases. It is always advisable to stay at home and wear a double mask. Smoking should be strictly kept aside as they increase the respiratory illness. Also, avoid exercises outdoors and it is advisable to focus on breathing exercises. Always keep the necessary medicines in stock.