Every girl aims for perfect body shape. To achieve that she takes care of her diet, exercises regularly, cuts the intake of calories etc. But aiming for a bikini body is quite a tough task as more effort and care is needed. To help you out, here are the few tips suggested by the Delhi actress, singer and former model Sara Jane Dias to achieve a perfect body.
Bikini body tips:
Eat right: Perfect diet gives you perfect body shape. Take proper diet. Have an idea on the calories we consume and cut out the major calories by picking good flavors and seasonal foods. Better to cut the junk food. Prefer eating fruits and vegetables as they contain perfect amount of nutrients required.
Workout for half an hour: Not just cutting down the calories will help you out. Exercising is also added to it. A mix of cardio and strength training is best for improving strength, flexibility, endurance and muscle tone. Have a work out plan and follow to do it at least for 30 min every day.
The smaller the mierrer: It is good to cut the content of food and increase the frequency of intake. It helps to increase your metabolism. But make sure that your body gets required amount of protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats every time.
App to loose weight: Make use of the smart phones you have. As many applications are available to watch your weight and calories intake, so install them which will helps you to attain body shape of your choice.
Sleep, eat and repeat: Sleep for at least seven hours a day. It rejuvenates you.
Follow these simple tips to have perfect bikini body for summer.
By Lizitha