On Wednesday, the BSE benchmark Sensex closed 20 points down on profit-booking in blue chip stocks such as ICICI, L&T and Hindustan Unilever despite firming global trend.
Moreover, continuing its losing trend for the fifth consecutive day, the Sensex on Wednesday fell by 20.10 points, or 0.10 per cent, to 19,639.72. The gauge had lost 345 points in last four trading sessions. However, the Wide-based National Stock Exchange index Nifty edged up by 2.30 points, or 0.04 per cent, to 5,959.20, after touching the day’s high of 5,990.90.
Among the cement companies, Ambuja Cement, Ultratech Cement, Grasim Industries, ACC, Gujarat Sidhi Cement and Madras Cement ended with gains.
(AW:Samrat Biswas)