Teachers day is another business day for all those millions of business men across the nation. As the day is celebrated across the nation and it is a student's affair. But with the promos of various deals appearing it has become more of an adult affair. However Teachers day is a day when all of us for a moment need to salute our gurus with in our hearts and pray for their well being, irrespective of ages. Well most of the apparel dealers have announced one plus one offers, automobile dealers have announced free accessories and what not...so just take a plunge into the nearby outlets and check the deals.
On the other side it becomes imminent that some gifts to appease our Gurus is becoming a tradition. So many students walk into gift shops for gifts. The lesser affluent buy some fruits or chocolates. From the florist to the fruit seller, from the sweets shop to the gifts shop, from the apparels to the automobiles all the dealers are inviting customers with ample gifts, luring them to make the 'spends.'
Every occasion is utilized perfectly for the benefit of their business by the entrepreneurs. In a way the buyer benefits with best deals, the seller benefits with quantity sales and the overall cycle is mutually benefited for better functioning. On any given day sales soars only by attracting customers with deals and giving deadlines. This has become a funda for a lucrative entrepreneurship management. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)