Ek Tha Tiger or Ektha Tiger, whatever, the Salman Khan starer is on the rampage at the box office. Sources say that world over the film has scaled the Rs 30 Cr peak on the first day. Pundits also go on to predict that at this pace the Ek Tha Tiger might scale the next peak Rs 100 Cr in the fastest time ever. And may be in the first four/five days. If this prediction turns true then the film will become a milestone for Indian films ever till date. Trade circles now fear that it could be a reality owing to the week ends. The film opened on Independence day and by Monday (EID) Ek Tha Tiger could have Rs 100 Cr in its kitty. Awesome and only possible by Sallu Bhai, say fans.
Salman Khan's second innings, as my daughter recalls as a sleuth has ripped the box offices apart. He has set them ablaze with his back to back hits in the same role with a different shades. The series begins from Wanted, Dabangg, Ready, Bodyguard and continues. This phenomenal and to make it a reality Sallu Bhai had worked a lot to make his fans dreams come true. With this film the Khan surpasses the other Khans in collections, say pundits.
Ek Tha Tiger is all about seeing the love-lost-pair Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif as lovers onscreen. The professional actors leave behind their off-screen differences and gel well onscreen. Their chemistry is the soul of the film and entices one-and-all.
Produced by Yash Raj Films and directed by Kabir Khan, the movie had opened at around 3,500 screens with 1,850 prints in the country. Trade analyst Komal Nahata, Gautam Dutta, Chief Operating Officer, PVR, and Girish Wankhede, Marketing Head for Cinemax India were all in praise for Sallu bhai. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)