What will happen if two superstars Rajnikanth and Salman Khan clash! Well at the box office of course. Superstar Rajnikanth's Kochadaiyaan is hitting headlines ever since Soundarya (Rajnikanth) R Ashwin, started on the project. But this time it is about a possible clash of the Rajni film with Dabangg 2, a home production of Sallu Bhai. Industry bigwigs are keeping their fingers crossed of a possible outcome. Neither would like to etch out on the date. As Kochadaiyaan under the supervision of Ravi Kumar is slated for 21-12-12, as it is the superstar's birthday and hence the postponement would not be possible. Kochadaiyaan also stars Deepika Padukone, Shobana, Rukmini Vijayakumar, Jackie Shroff among others.
On the other hand Dabangg 2 producer Arbaz Khan would not like to loose out on the Christmas collections globally as it is customary that a Sallu bhai starer had always been released around the same time since some time. Secondly Sallu Bhai is riding high on a record breaking victory of his Ek Tha Tiger which eventually means that Arbaz khan would have no second opinion on the date, as well.
Tough situations ahead, as Kochadiayaan is also planning a tri-lingual global release. It is tough time for distributors and theaters, now they have to choose between the two great heroes.... (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)