Assembling all the pieces of one jigsaw itself is a big job. But can you believe if I say that a man in Britain came as a volunteer for this purpose only.
Getting into the details, a retired builder Michael Barry spends hours every day assembling jigsaws donated to a charity shop. He regularly makes sure that no piece misses out of the jigsaw.
From the past two years he has made over 300 puzzles, some with up to 2,000 pieces - and rejected 147 for having missing pieces.
Speaking about it, Michael said that it is his passion to arrange jigsaw with all the pieces and never prefers to disappoint people for missing pieces. That is the reason, he never compromises on those missing ones and rejects immediately
"I don't watch much television, I just sit and do puzzles. It's very peaceful. I do it all for fun."
Michael volunteered for the role two years ago when a new charity shop, Help Us Give Support, opened in his home city.
The shop - known as 'HUGS' - donates all its profits to the Forever Friends Appeal, which fundraises for the Royal United Hospital in Bath.
By Phani