Andhra Pradesh Assembly Speaker Kodela Sivaprasad Rao's son Shivrama Krishna landed in trouble as his wife Padma Priya filed a kidnap case against him. According to the reports, Kodela's son Shivrama Krishna and his wife Priya are not in good terms and were living separately since very long time. The couple have a four year old son, Gautam and he has been staying with his mother Priya ever since the split.
However, Padma Priya approached the Vizag three town police station on September 16th night and alleged that Shivrama Krishna kidnapped her son. She urged the police to sort out the issue and get rid of her husband who is harassing her. Padma Priya accused that Kodela's family members worrying her since 2010.
Definitely this issue will storm in the Assembly when it will meet for the next sessions.
(AW: Vamshi)