(Image source from: dnaindia.com)
Yellow Fungus cases reported in India:- When the entire nation is in a state of panic because of the second wave of coronavirus, there are hundreds of cases reported about the black fungus. Several states announced it as an epidemic and then came white fungus. The doctors of AIIMS confirmed that the white fungus is not so dangerous as the black fungus. Now the country is shattered with the news that surfaced today. It says that yellow fungus infection cases are reported in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad today. It is heard that yellow fungus is more dangerous than the black and white fungus. The infected patient is treated in a special ward in a hospital in Ghaziabad. The symptoms are said to be laziness, weight loss and loss of appetite. It also causes low healing of an open wound and leakage of pus along with organ failure.
It is still not known about who is at the major risk due to the yellow fungus, some of the experts warned that the people with weak immunity should be quite careful and approach a doctor if they notice any symptoms. The people suffering with cancer and diabetes too will be at a higher risk told the experts. Yellow fungus is caused due to a bad hygiene and it is important to clean your home. Always remove the fecal matter and the old food from your home. The humidity levels should be between 30 and 40 percent. Always prefer places that are well ventilated to stay health during this pandemic time. The experts from AIIMS are expected to announce the symptoms and the treatment for yellow fungus soon.