Myanmar Plane Carrying 122 Crashes in Andaman Sea:- Myanmar’s military aircraft went missing yesterday which has been carrying 122 passengers. A search operation has been launched and it carried several army officers along with their children. The search for the missing plane continued throughout the night and the wreckage along with several bodies have been located in Andaman sea. The reasons for the plane crash are yet to be known and the search for the blackbox is currently on.
Myanmar’s Y-8-200 F army plane went missing at 1:06 pm (Myanmar local time) after it took off from Myeik and was about to land in Yangon. The military confirmed that there are 122 passengers on board with 14 crew members included. The place lost contact after it travelled for 29 minutes and at the height of 18000 feet. Nine navy ships and three military planes were dispatched for the search operation after which they located the wreckage.